Monday, September 8, 2008

A moment to myself

I am the stomach of life; I take it all in and digest it slowly, in an effort to get rid of the crap.

I used to be life's heart, but the pace was too regular and unforgiving. I was once life's brain, but the logic wasn't clear enough to see. I tried to be life's legs, but they couldn't support the weight I carried; so too befell the fate of the arms. I wanted to be life's face, but too few people were willing to welcome the unfamiliar. I thought I could be life's feet, but my path was too unique to find the direction. I couldn't be life's hands, because I let go just as much as I hold on. I experimented as life's smile, but no stranger cared to return it. It was only in life's kiss that I found a temporary spot for myself, but then I had to move on; I realized its dangers just before it was too late...

Life is an organism that is complex by nature, but can easily be dissected into comprehensible parts.

So tell me... which part of it are you?

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