Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Human Condition - Chapter 6

"In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

Benjamin Franklin had it right... almost.

He forgot one other important certainty: change.

I welcome change in my life for one reason: it is uncomfortable. (What, you didn't really expect me to say that change is soft and cuddly, did you?!?) ;)

Seriously though, that lack of comfort can lead you to new directions, to learn new things, and it will force you to change in many ways, but in time you will realize your strength from doing that (and in doing so you will find a new comfort zone). In overcoming the difficulties of change, you will see that change is advantageous, and soon you will grow to welcome every opportunity for it.

And believe you me, change happens in the strangest of ways sometimes, most of the time where you want it the least. But that cannot keep you from moving forward. And don't shy away from it; that's the recipe for staying the same.

Now, I'm not trying to suggest that you're in need of a changin', cause I love you all just the way you are, but what I am saying is that stagnation is no fun; as the world grows around you, so to must you grow with it, and true change is nothing short of growth.

So if your job wants you to relocate, or if your loved one doesn't love you any more, or even if simply your favorite cafe just closed, just relish in the fact that change is upon you again, and accept it. Go ahead, do a little dance. (Who knows.. that new location might lead you to meet that person of your dreams in your new favorite cafe... life could be worse.) ;)

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