Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Human Condition - Chapter 2

Chapter 2. How daunting.

I've never gotten this far.

But here I am, and looking back to how I got here makes me feel good. Good about life. Good about the past. Good about me.

I look back to past writings and it's like they're a map of a labyrinth. So much confusion, not sure of where to turn, which step to take; never realizing that the strength and conviction that I needed had been in me all along.

As if not knowing and trusting myself had just simply become a habit.

Long ago, I once wrote: I feel like I’m running a race in quicksand against my shadow. And my shadow’s winning.

As if that shadow wasn't a part of me.

But it is.

It grows and shrinks, appears and then disappears, just like my fleeting thoughts, fears, worries, and apprehensions. And just like the sun has a power over me to make that shadow come and go, so too do I have that power over those mental obstacles in my life.

What are obstacles other than opportunities to prove to yourself that you can do something above and beyond what you thought possible? What a fucking gift!

In the face of hurdles, I say jump. In the face of drawbacks, I say pull. In the face of stumbling blocks, I say get up. And in the face of a broken heart, I say keep on loving.

Keep on, keep on... keep on.

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