Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sex: Part I

Sex, is, well, what can I say? Sex is sex is sex.

It's what we bring to it that creates a significance.

Sex can be fun, it can be passionate, it can be quick, and it can hurt. Not necessarily all together, or even in that order. Hahaha...

But yeah, sex can be many things, or nothing at all. Sometimes sex is just sex. Say hello to one night stands.

One Night Stands
Not a fan. Never was, never will be.

In an effort to not insult those of you who are fans, I'll treat this delicately.

It's no fun waking up next to a stranger, its no fun being touched by someone who doesn't know how to touch you, and its definitely no fun being treated like you are just a warm body to f*ck.

Especially when you're a hell of a lot more than that.

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