Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Relationships are wonderful. Even when they suck, they're fucking great.

Why? Because of how much you can learn from them, about yourself, about others.

By all means, have as many relationships as possible! See how differently people can smile. Hear how differently they can laugh. Feel how differently they can kiss. Sense how differently they can love.

Keep in mind always that everyone's got their own M.O. From one person to the next, never expect the same thing twice. Some people hold hands while others link arms, some kiss the neck and others the back, and some like to hold while others prefer to fall asleep. And forget about discussing preferred positions... we're all definitely unique people.

Be weary though, as relationships create memories, and those memories can alter who you are and how you operate, especially if they weren't positive.

Don't be jaded by the letdowns of the past. Don't lose faith just because someone else did. If you discover within yourself abandoned hopes, forgotten dreams, and fear, then it's time to revisit who you really are. Push the memories aside.

Rekindle those old desires, get back on the road to your dreams, and fear nothing. Be you.

Doing this will keep you strong and open enough for any relationship, if you so choose to have one.

Don't ever let old memories get in the way of new ones.

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