Monday, December 1, 2008

To dance a dance

At 5:18pm on the 8 line of the Parisian metro tonight, an accordian band loaded the car that I was sitting in. They began to play, and I began to tap my foot. They began to clap and I began to nod my head. They began to jam out and I helped keep the beat. The man playing closest to me let go of his instrument, reached out to me, and motioned for me to get up and dance with him.

So I did.

And I danced in circles with the accordian man as the train passed from Madeleine to Concord to Invalides. I had no idea if people were watching or not. I have no idea what song we danced to. And I have no idea why I did it.

All I know is that I did. Just like I've done everything else in life. I just got up and took an opportunity by its hand. That's the only way I know how.

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