Thursday, October 22, 2009

for the love of words

we are creatures of expression. how lucky are we to live in this time where our forefathers made possible a world of art and dance, music and poetry, theatre and the printed page. all of these things avenues to realizing our thoughts, musings and ideas, and then communicating them. for me, it always begins with words.

they come to me. words. they come to me when i least expect it. it happens while watching a film, or riding a bus. they sneak in when i'm supposed to be listening to someone talking, or paying attention to what i'm reading. they line up perfectly whenever i don't have a pen nearby.

and it's frustrating. to have a passion that you do not have control over, and instead has control over you.

i cannot be alone in this feeling.

writing isn't easy. but not writing is even harder. i mean, how long can a person realistically go before needing to write something down?

.................................. not long.

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