Saturday, October 3, 2009

A few of my favorite things

It's bumping into a friend on the street. It's waiting for the temperature of a hot drink to come down on a cold day. It's the way the sun reflects off your neighbor's window and shines across the way.

It's the days past, it's the fading memories, it's the reasons that you are who you are even though it's hard to recollect them sometimes.

It's the way things change without your noticing. It's the way hair grows longer and days grow shorter. It's the way that four different seasons flow into a year. It's the way that you grow wiser.

It's the way you felt yesterday and the way you feel today. It's the wishes you make and and the promises you break. It's the way sadness gets in the way of happiness, and not the other way around.

It's the way that life constantly proves to you that things can get much worse, but can also get much better. It's the constant reminder that you are alive and well and still not quite at where you want to be. It's the reason we do our best.

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