Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saint Sulpice

Saint Sulpice is an area in Paris where the unexpected happens.

Scaffoldings have been climbed, Jesus has surfed, and last night I drank with a homeless man.

Rather, he sat at our table as two friends and I shared a bottle of wine. He told us that he was Spanish and an artist.

Neither was true.

He took the waiter's tip from the table, interested himself in the 5 euro bill also sitting on the table, and smoked all three of the cigarettes that we offered him at the get-go. He pretended to cry, told us his life story, sang a song, and by the end of the hour that we all shared the table and drinks, we all hugged goodbye.

Expect the unexpected, and when it comes knocking at your door, greet it with smile, and then let it in.

...Last night was an excellent night.


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