Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Human Condition - Chapter 14

The rain falls lightly outdoors. Not enough for an umbrella, but just enough for the bottom of my pantlegs to find themselves wet.

And here I am in love, but no one knows.

My actions speak louder than my words though, and I know that someday soon the man of my affections will know for sure, if he hasn't figured it out already.

We've agreed to not fully disclose our affections, as he is leaving soon; albeit his return is inevitable, we're still willing to wait until there are no more reasons to say goodbye.

I've never felt so sure of anything, and I know nothing.

We have only our actions, our caresses, our soft words and kisses. And right now, that's all I need.

Gone are the days of constant reassurance, instability, and doubt. Today, and forever more, is for trust, confidence, and belief.

I've spent many a day, month, and year waiting. Time is nothing.

Love is everything.

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