Monday, August 31, 2009

1999 - 2009 / A Retrospective

I don't know the days of innocence.

I don't remember when I didn't know, when I was first discovering, when the world changed. It was always already changed.

Sex, drugs, my rebel ways, always a part of who I was, always a part of the romance of my life, always my calling, my poison, my cure.

And now I've gone cold turkey. I'm returning to the days that were supposed to be mine.

No more fighting. I want peace.

No more binging. I want stability.

No more selfishness. I have others to think of.

No regrets either though.

I still teeter on this seesaw, wondering who I am, where I'm supposed to go, what I'm supposed to do, how I'm supposed to do it.. and then I remember that I'm the only person who can answer these questions. Which means that I can be whoever I want to be, go wherever I choose to go, do whatever I want to do, and do it however I so feel.

Ignorance is bliss? Whatever. It is stupidity. Knowledge is bliss, innocence is divine, and life is a crazy roller coaster just waiting for you to take its ride...

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