Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Coming and going

People sweep in and out of lives
like the tides of the ocean on the shore.
Ebb and flow.
Ebb and flow.

Perspective determines whether this this cycle is erosive, corrosive, damaging,
or perhaps imperative to shaping the shoreline as we know it today.

Ebb and flow.

There are some tides that arrive in waves,
and some waves whose beautiful memory lasts a lifetime.
And then there are some waves that destroy everything in its path.
And you wish you could forget it, but can't.

Ebb and flow.

The moon is to blame for all that happens below.
Held hostage by our beliefs that it's more powerful than all of the ocean.
Proving the message from the story of the sun and the wind.
Sometimes it is the gentle hand that can affect the most change.

Ebb and flow.
Ebb and flow.
Ebb and flow.

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