Saturday, August 29, 2009

I can't do what they do (but I can publish my 100th post)

It's job hunting season... I did this to myself. I had a job, and then I quit it two days later. I've brought this upon myself, like most things in this life....

The job boards are filled with positions for people vastly more qualified than me, for peope with skills I do not possess, for people who's interests are not the same as mine. Where's the job for me?

I am afraid that I know the answer to this question; I've known it all along. I'll never find my job out there because it's not a job that anyone can give me; it's a job I have to create myself.


My happiness and success depends on motivating my lazy ass to get up and start making something happen.

Life never was as easy thing, but f*cking hell it's just become a hell of a lot harder...

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