Saturday, November 26, 2011


this mouth of mine
it isn't mine
it belongs to the brain in my head.

thank goodness however
for these jaws of steel
for without them i'd surely be dead.

appetite aside though
i have my two sides
which are easy to tell apart.

for without my fingertips
and this keyboard
i'd never have a voice for my heart.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


this place is my mirror
a frozen lake
i am on both sides
and am face to face with reflection.
locked away beneath the surface
this reflection is all i've got.

i struggle with what i see.

i do not know how to melt the ice
and break this glass.

i hope this does not last.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


you say that people do not change.
i have to believe that they do.
for if no one changed
then pray tell
how am i here with you?